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// Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Meta Four Software. All rights reserved.
// An example using the MetaKit C++ persistence library
//! rev="$Id: demo.cpp,v 1.5 1997/06/08 10:46:10 jcw Exp $"
// This code demonstrates:
// - Creating a persistent view and adding two data rows to it.
// - Adding a third data row using MetaKit's operator shorthands.
// - Adding an additional property without losing the existing data.
// - Storing an additional view in the data file later on.
// - Inserting a new record into one of the views in the datafile.
// - Real persistence, the data file will grow each time this is run.
#include "m4kit.h"
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
// These properties could just as well have been declared globally.
c4_StringProp pName ("name");
c4_StringProp pCountry ("country");
// Note: it is extremely important to watch the lifetime of views vs.
// storage objects. If a view outlives its storage object, all data
// will be loaded when the storage object is destroyed. So much for
// on-demand loading. To avoid this, delete/clear all views before
// the storage object is destroyed. In this stack-based example, it
// can easily be enforced by constructing the storage objects first.
c4_Storage storage ("myfile.dat", true);
// There are two ways to make views persistent: make sure the storage
// structure is appropriately defined - then use a view based on it,
// or build the entire structure first and then attach it to a storage
// object (causes a deep copy, requiring twice the amount of memory).
// The first option is preferred when adding large a amount of data:
// c4_View vAddress = storage.Define("address[name:S,country:S]");
// The second approach (used here) has the advantage that we do not need
// to describe the data structure, since Attach will determine it for us.
// Start with an empty view, not associated with any storage.
c4_View vAddress;
// Let's add two rows of data to the view.
c4_Row row;
pName (row) = "John Williams";
pCountry (row) = "UK";
pName (row) = "Paco Pena";
pCountry (row) = "Spain";
// Define the storage structure, and store the contents of vAddress.
vAddress = storage.Store("address", vAddress);
// A simple check to prove that the data is in the view.
c4_String s1 = pName (vAddress[1]);
c4_String s2 = pCountry (vAddress[1]);
printf("The country of %s is: %s\n",
(const char*) s1, (const char*) s2);
// This saves the data to file.
storage.Commit(); // Data file now contains 2 addresses.
// A very compact notation to create and add a third row.
vAddress.Add(pName ["Julien Coco"] + pCountry ["Netherlands"]);
storage.Commit(); // Data file now contains 3 addresses.
// Add a third property to the address view ("on-the-fly").
vAddress = storage.GetAs("address[name:S,country:S,age:I]");
// Set the new age property in one of the exisiting addresses.
c4_IntProp pAge ("age");
pAge (vAddress[1]) = 44;
storage.Commit(); // Data file now contains 3 addresses with age field.
// Add a second view to the data file, leaving the first view intact.
c4_View vInfo = storage.GetAs("info[version:I]");
// Add some data, a single integer in this case.
c4_IntProp pVersion ("version");
vInfo.Add(pVersion [100]);
storage.Commit(); // Data file now contains 3 addresses and 1 info rec.
// Insert a row into the address view. Note that another (duplicate)
// property definition is used here - just to show it can be done.
c4_IntProp pYears ("age"); // On file this is still the "age" field.
vAddress.InsertAt(2, pName ["Julian Bream"] + pYears [50]);
// Preceding commits were only included for demonstration purposes.
storage.Commit(); // Datafile now contains 4 addresses and 1 info rec.
// To inspect the data file, use the dump utility: "DUMP MYFILE.DAT".
// It should generate the following output:
// myfile.dat: 3 properties
// address[name:S,country:S,age:I],info[version:I]
// VIEW 1 rows = _:V address:V info:V
// 0: subview '_'
// 0: subview 'address'
// VIEW 4 rows = name:S country:S age:I
// 0: 'John Williams' 'UK' 0
// 1: 'Paco Pena' 'Spain' 44
// 2: 'Julian Bream' '' 50
// 3: 'Julien Coco' 'Netherlands' 0
// 0: subview 'info'
// VIEW 1 rows = version:I
// 0: 100
// Note: results will differ if this program is run more than once.
return 0;